Berlin, Berlin – wir fahren nach Berlin
Berlin, Berlin – wir fahren nach Berlin
Wer hätte das gedacht? Mit einem englischsprachigen Beitrag wurde die Projektgruppe bestehend aus Clara Schuy, Mathilda Jung (beide Klasse 8), Emilia Menn (Klasse 10), und Amelie Briel (E-Phase) mit ihrer betreuenden Lehrkraft Daniela Heinrich-Stiller und Jule Schreiber als weitere Aufsichtsperson nach Berlin eingeladen, um im Atrium der FAZ die Ideen rund um das Schulsystem erneut auf großer Bühne zu pitchen. Dabei haben die Schülerinnen live auf Englisch ein Bühnengespräch geführt, das von einem Videobeitrag im Stil von Greta Thunbergs Rede auf der UN-Vollversammlung eingeleitet wurde. Aus über 100 Einsendungen bundesweit pitchte sich die Projektgruppe auf Platz 3.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
First, we found each other because of our shared interest in the English language. Our teacher told us about a competition, where we have the opportunity to create a project about the school of the future and we had an idea: we wanted to research about the problems of our school system and find solutions.
We sat together and planned our project. We organized interviews, researched about other schools and asked our fellow students how they felt through surveys. We wanted to find out what students like and don’t like about school, what challenges they face, and what they believe could be done to improve the educational experience. We met regularly, shared our progress and analyzed the data.
After months of researching and doing interviews, we spent an entire day to write a script and record our project in form of a video podcast. The video featured an interview with an expert on the field of education, as well as another interview with a student abroad, giving us another perspective on german schools. After we finished everything, we submitted our project. Just a few weeks later, we got an email saying we were chosen as one of the top five teams in the national competition. They invited us to present our project in front of the judges in Berlin.
It was an amazing experience to meet all the other students who shared their passion for improving the school system. Despite our competition, we were awarded third place and a prize of 500€.